DEV LOG #1: 02/02/2025-02/04/2025

I am not the most efficient coder in the world. My code is often inelegant and inefficient, but I do what I do to get things done.  Which is why coding in logo is such a challenge for my barely functioning orangutan skull. Of all the languages I have ever dealt with this kiddie language from the 80's is somehow the one that frustrates me the most.


Our assignment was to create a randomly generating quilt pattern, and this code does just that.
The functions diamondlines, blank, and diamondblank all generate 3 different quilt squares

The randopattern function does the actual randomization work, choosing one of these 3 patterns to place in order.

Then, there's a loop that repeats 6 times, which has a loop inside of it that repeats 4 times, generating 2 squares at a time. You might be wondering why I call randopattern twice... Well, I designed this initially without randomization as a testbed, and this dual call is a leftover of my initial "call two things 4 times then loop" implementation.

Finally, the code then adjusts itself, so to speak, and sets itself up for another line to be drawn. 

Our "quilt" then looks like this:

At the end of the day, this sucked. It was a painful reminder of how much I have slacked off in my coding skills and I need to work on refreshing myself so my code doesn't suck as much as this does for the rest of the semester. 

Code can be found here.

The Development Song of the Week is: Deeper - Freddie Gibbs
