DEV LOG #1: 02/02/2025-02/04/2025
I am not the most efficient coder in the world. My code is often inelegant and inefficient, but I do what I do to get things done. Which is why coding in logo is such a challenge for my barely functioning orangutan skull. Of all the languages I have ever dealt with this kiddie language from the 80's is somehow the one that frustrates me the most. Yeesh. Our assignment was to create a randomly generating quilt pattern, and this code does just that. The functions diamondlines , blank , and diamondblank all generate 3 different quilt squares The randopattern function does the actual randomization work, choosing one of these 3 patterns to place in order. Then, there's a loop that repeats 6 times, which has a loop inside of it that repeats 4 times, generating 2 squares at a time. You might be wondering why I call randopattern twice... Well, I designed this initially without randomization as a testbed, and this dual call is a leftover of my initial "call two things 4 times ...